More than 30 percent of Americans are obese, a figure that has risen sharply over the past decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Substantial health risks (cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and type two diabetes) are associated with being overweight and obesity, leading to increased morbidity and mortality (2.6 million deaths annually worldwide from type two diabetes). The U.S. Surgeon General has estimated the direct and indirect economic costs of obesity at $117 billion per year.
So here's the big idea or rather, "the skinny." Arena has developed a top drug candidate Lorcaserin for Obesity entering phase 3 Insomnia APD125 in phase 2. Several more promising compound are also on deck (phase 1 or about to enter phase 1) and I'm liking the odds. What the drug essentially does is stimulates the 5-HT2C serotonin receptor, located in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which helps regulate satiety and influences metabolic rate. In English, it makes you feel full.
Data from a Phase 2b trial of lorcaserin demonstrated that patients who received the drug experienced significantly greater weight loss than patients who received placebo. So it's a miracle diet pill. Solid right? No you say? Okay, let's consider the alternatives we currently have:
Stomach Stapling: Needs strict patient compliance to diet, Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (the medical name for Stomach Stapling) is in no way a magic bullet or pill (ah, but Lorcaserin is). It must be emphasized that lifestyle changes (boo), i.e. diet (boo) and exercise (boo), are absolutely imperative for weight loss to occur and be maintained. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks of complications. It has been observed that approximately one in every hundred patients undergoing VBG die within a year.
Diets: Normal diets stress a lifestyle change and strange or extreme diets can be very dangerous, and they are often ineffective.
Liposuction: Who can afford it?
Fat Burners: There is no good reason for speeding up your heart but I guess the silver lining is that it proves that people are willing to pay for weight loss pills.
Richard Simmons: Side effects include embarrassment, a tacky wardrobe, and if you are a male, a significant increase of effeminate tendencies.
Let's face it, current weight loss systems are ineffective and in some cases, dangerous. As for alternatives involving medication, there are currently only two approved drugs to treat obesity and concerns about side effects and efficacy have limited the use of these, presenting an opportunity to help millions of patients with a new, safe and effective therapy and Arena has a viable drug candidate. The fate of this will turn initially on the results of the safety portion of the BLOOM (Behavioral modification and Lorcaserin for Overweight and Obesity Management) trial in the 3rd Quarter of 2007 however the result will be huge if they pass.
In Portfolio: Yesh. (Sean Connery in da house!)
Duration: Until obesity is eridacated.
Over with: American Idol (Booooring). It's all about the Search for the next Pussy Cat Doll! P-C-D-4-LYF!!!