So I haven't written in a while mainly because there really is nothing to say. I've been making a lot of moves recently and I finally got my portfolio to a place where I'm really happy with it. So here's an analysis of what I'm looking at and how I think it will do.
AAPL (Apple) - Do I need to talk about this one?
AMD (uhh... AMD) - New product has been released and with the recent spotlight on Intel's shady practices, Intel will need to "play nice" during these antitrust inquiries so as not to draw additional attention. Let's hope for a recovery on the stock.
ARNA (Arena Pharma) - Passed the safety trials for Lorcraserin easily and announced positive data on their insomnia drug today. There is no reason why this stock should be in the low 11's.
EBAY (...eBay) - It's wintertime and the site doesn't look like crap anymore. I'm hoping for a strong run this holiday season.
GLUU (GLU Mobile) - I'm trying to reduce. Might take a loss at the end of the year.
ISV (Insite Vision) - Azasite is out to market, let's see how it does. Better yet, let's see if Inspire finally buys them out!
LOOP (LoopNet) - Triple Hidden Gem pick that has yet to take off. The other 3 already exploded. The deal with CBG doesn't hurt either =D (if you are wondering... MIDD, CTRP, BWLD are the other 3 members of the triple HG club).
PANL (Universal Display) - UP and Down and on and on. I love the volatility of this one.
SBUX (Starbucks) - It's getting cold and dark again, You gotta love Starbucks in the winter like you love Valero in the summer. Deal with iTunes is intriguing... I want to see what it does.
VMW(VM Ware) - When in Rome...
Overall, I have a lot of optimism and with the Fed dropping the rate half a point with more to come, hopefully investors will be willing to put the money that's been sitting on the sidelines for another run. What do you say all? Let's make some money!