Man, a while back, I had a nice stake in Apple at $35 and I sold when it doubled. Not a bad trade but back then, I knew that Apple was doing something special. Really special. I knew that even tho it only had 2% of the market, 5% or even 10% was not out of reach. So why did I sell? Well, history. Apple had a reputation for doing well and self destructing and it did it time and time again in the past. Now it's at $180 and although I don't feel bad, there are two lessons to remember that I hold dearly to now.
1) If you really believe in a stock... show some faith.
2) If you have to make a trade... set shares aside for the long term.
So the big burning question is... Apple is at $180 and is it too late to get in? Well, I have to ask when Google was $300 a share, was it too late to get in? Golly, it's $650 now. Me personally, I think it's not too late. It's still only 2-3% of the total computer market and the iPhone story is just beginning and it's going to be exciting to watch it grow in the coming generations. So ya, I personally think it's still a good time to get in.
Just remember, the big story is... people are actually buying the computers now.
Cheers, Bagger John.
In Portfolio: Yes
Duration: Forever
Yum: Steak and Egg Chipotle Burrito for Jack in the Box