Gosh, I remember a couple of years I started trading when EMC was rocking $120 a share. Man, that was such a loooong time ago. I also remember the drop... oh my and from such heights did they fall. It was one of the times you look at the picture you had of Warren Buffett on your wall and said, "damn you for telling me not to sell."
It was rough for a long long time. Well, then one day, EMC bought a 90% stake in a tiny virtualization company called VM Ware and at the same time, paid for their salvation. Since then, the company has dug itself out of it's $5 grave and since soared to $22+ and with a little hope, back to such great heights of maybe $120.
The virtualization industry is bigger than we know.
In Portfolio: A pinch (VMW) and a dash (EMC)
Duration: Warran B is back on the wall
Football Notes: Two weeks from now... Indy will be annihilated by the Pats