So I'm about to conduct a small experiment. Right now, I'm only using 50% of the total movement of PANL which is all upwards and then waiting for it to drop back down to 14-15 range and then rebuying. All that downward movement is being wasted and gosh darnit! I'm not taking it anymore.
I normally only short stocks that are undeserving of a crazy jump in price however PANL although, a total long termer, has been stuck in the volatility trade winds for a the last year and until they figure out the Blue situation, they'll probably continue to do so.
Anyways, I sold the last 3 units of my trader shares for PANL at 19 and shorted PANL at 19.31 for 1 unit just to test it out. Let's hope PANL is like a rollercoaster and as is fun going down as it is going up.
In Portfolio: Still got my long termers and I'm holding them until PANL gets bought out.
Duration: Forever and ever and ever
Dallas or New England: I got New England in a big way.